The Coming Technology Era – What Will Be Available To US? With Guest, Kevin Coleman
Nov 23, 2015
Technology has changed the way we function in every aspect of our personal and professional lives. Children and adults of all ages utilize technology to communicate, make purchases, evaluate their health, and run every aspect of their businesses. What is next with technology? What possibilities will be available to all of us in the near future that we have not even considered yet?
Join Joy of Living with Laleh and her guest, Kevin Coleman as they explore the technologies of the future and provide you key insights into the greatest period of technology change in history and ways it will affect our personal and professional lives.
More about Kevin Coleman:
Kevin Coleman has been a trusted advisor, visionary, author, and speaker to some of the world’s most prestigious organizations, including the United Nations, the Congress of the United States, the U.S. Strategic Command, and before multiple Fortune 500 organizations. To date, Kevin has briefed executives in 42 countries around the world. With Kevin’s more than 20 years of success in the development and implementation of cutting-edge technology strategies and his tenure at Netscape as a Chief Strategist, he is able to provide riveting insight on strategy, innovation, creativity and the high velocity technology era that is just around the corner.
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