

Update Email Preferences

To access your account settings go HERE 

  • Click "Login" in the top right corner of the page, or if you are already logged in click the Avatar.
  • Select "Settings" from the dropdown menu.
  • Under "Profile Settings" you can check and update the email notification settings that apply.
  • Uncheck all the boxes to unsubscribe.
  • Make sure to scroll to the bottom and click save.


Explanation of the check boxes:

  • "Please email me about new products and promotions" - allows you to receive any type of emails about events, classes, products you register for and promotional emails related to them.
  • "Please notify me about updates to my products" - relates to emails for products files that live in your account library.
  • "Please notify me when a reply to one of my posts or comments is created" is for a feature that is not activated on this website.


If you have any questions, please fill out the contact form HERE with the details and we are here to assist.